Dear solar energy innovator,
With this email we like to invite you to present your latest research or innovation to the Dutch solar power community in the Knowledge Arena of the upcoming SundayNL-congres 2019 on November 13th.
The main aim of the SundayNL-congres, the largest solar energy conference in The Netherlands, is to connect solar energy research with practical applications and vice versa. For this reason we started last year with the “Knowledge Arena”. In the central conference area researchers and innovators will be able to show, share and exchange an “innovation” in tangible form. The product should be innovative, meaning recently developed and not yet commercially available.
Examples of such products are:
The knowledge arena takes place during the whole conference and finds its culmination during the long lunch break. As a presenter in the Knowledge Arena you will be ascertained of a lot of attention, input, and feedback from all 250+ Sunday participants. And as a nice side benefit: you only pay the early bird fee (€ 99,- ex vat) for your entrance, the space in the foyer is for free.
If you would like to take this opportunity to present your innovation in the Knowledge Arena please send an e-mail to using the reference “knowledge arena” and we will send you a special link to subscribe for the knowledge arena.